Helpful Contacts

No business has exclusive right for work within Eagle Trace. Homeowners should always do their own investigation and obtain multiple quotes, but the businesses listed below have done reputable and commendable work for our neighborhood.
- for Mailbox Repair/Replacement:
Mailbox Pro (317) 575-8884,
- for Sidewalk/Concrete Repair:
Concrete Indy (765) 228-6252 
- for Tree Trimming:
Angel Oak Tree Care (317) 347-0533,

- for Lawncare & Snow Removal:
Patriot Lawncare (317) 966-8728, [email protected]

- for Turf & Irrigation:
Sodrel Lawnscapes (317) 796-3096, [email protected]
Darin Schroeder (317) 402-3417, [email protected]

- for Waste Management, Trash Pickup & Recycling:
Ray's Trash (317) 539-2024,

- for Landscape Lighting:
Outdoor Lite (317) 714-6937