Boulevard Ash Trees

Residents of Eagle Trace enjoy tree-lined streets, and we take pride in caring for our 600+ boulevard ash trees.

The original vision of canopying branches over our avenues has been almost completely achieved, as the first trees are now 25 years old. They provide both shade and beauty to our neighborhood. 
Since the invasion of the non-native Emerald Ash Borer, the trees are at risk. EAB is fatal if untreated. We have taken a pro-active approach since 2007 to protect them, always using the most current research.
A professional EAB treatment is applied every three years for all boulevard ash trees and is included annually in your homeowner's dues.

Please do not top or trim the boulevard trees in front of your home.
To protect the beauty and uniform look of the Eagle Trace boulevard ash trees, a tree maintenance contract with Angel Oak Tree Care is included in your annual homeowner's dues. This service provides tree trimming and other maintenance on a four year rotation. There are four sections in Eagle Trace. Each section will be trimmed once every four years.